The people you want to reach already have an email address - they use it every day when they order vinyl and concert tickets and sign up for streaming music services.
Those people don’t let those emails get lost in their inbox. They are emails they seek out because they would be missed if they never showed up.
Just like your art, products, and services, you’d be missed if you didn’t show up.
Like Seth Godin wrote in 2018:
You can spam people, yell a lot, interrupt our day. You can create a scene, engage in a scandal and bully others. Your brand or your personality can be the one that we'd all prefer never to hear from again soon.
You could be the one we'd miss if you were gone.
Send emails that your fans would miss if you stopped sending them.
Here are four things to get done by Monday.
Post on social media asking people to sign up for your email list—here are some ideas on how to do that.
Work on your email sign-up landing page. You have one, right?
Buy a domain name for your website. Already have a website? UPDATE IT.
Support Bandcamp United's unionization efforts. They are “committed to protecting the benefits we have, fixing historical disparities within and across departments, and promoting equitable conditions and economic stability for all of our colleagues.”
I’m Seth Werkheiser, and I updated this post on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.
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