Sep 12Liked by Seth Werkheiser

Yes! Thank you for this articulation. It not only moves us away from social media suck, but it is full of generosity, reciprocity, and connection. It’s so much more meaningful and rewarding.

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This is Avery useful and insightful essay!

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Loving your work, I am so aligned, my phone feels so much lighter now I have been here for 12 months and ditched X Facebook and Instagram

You can do anything


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Haha I needed this!

It feels like these vibes are the glimpses of a post social media online experience. Once again humans realize they want to leave the machinery they built themselves into.

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Hating anything takes a lot of energy and that energy is totally wasted. We all know the timeless proclamation that we all have to do things we don't like to do. For me, it's about limits. Limiting your engagement with things that make little difference in your life.

Such as: Avoiding all MSM news, avoiding social media news, never listening to politicians, avoiding the end-of-the-world declarations, avoid all ads as much as possible, not caring what anyone thinks or says about me, and ensuring that the major things are taken care of while the little things may or may not be addressed. You are freeing time and energy to do nothing. Doing nothing is a marvelous thing to do. You don't owe the world your energy 24 hours a day every year you are alive.

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I will use my mind as a weapon and carve out a path in this difficult world.

——Little Women(written by Louisa May Alcott)

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you had me at the title.

Y E S !

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some great advice to come across today:) thank you

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Thanks, Marco! Make today a great day!

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What a fantastic beast your kitty is! I'd love to drop social media all together.

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Blue (my kitty) says thank you.

And YOU CAN. Join our call tomorrow and let’s talk about it!

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I love this practical, simple advice. Thank you.

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You’re very welcome, Jodi! I hope you can put it to some use!

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I'll be honest. I sometimes confuse dreading a task with "hating" something I do. The real test is after I'm done or when I'm past the halfway point of doing that task. That's when I realize I enjoyed the outcome so I don't hate what I did after all. But I wouldn't know it if I had not forced myself to do it. I try to remember that each time. But it rarely works...I just have to do it. Nothing beats that. Things that seem to be okay to hate include taxes and hospitals. ;)

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Oh, I dread prepping invoices every month. But I DO enjoy the results haha.

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I’d pay to watch a recording of this - will that be available after the fact? (I have therapy Wednesday morning lol)

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Pay for the replay? Oh my! I haven’t been recording lately, but I will make sure to record this one for you!

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Make one available for everyone and take our $

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I wish I could join this but I have a 9-5 ☹️

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Oh wait - now I see what you’re talk about - the escape club zoom call! My bad!!! I wish you could join too

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It’s not always black and white! Just try and do a little bitty bit more of the things you LOVE each day. Like a smidge!

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Its kind of weird that we rather spend all our energy on something we hate, than on things we love.

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Right! there are joyful things to do with our art and work and such. I wanna do more of that!

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Aug 26Liked by Seth Werkheiser

this is excellent advice. i tried doing tiktok and hated dealing with the comments, so i couldn't sustain it. yet I love interacting here on substack and look forward to reading other's writings and sharing my own

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Ahhh, thank you!!! I think I had a TikTok account for like a day or two, and never went back haha

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