Dude, many years ago, I had to get off Facebook (which I still hate, but endure only because my family's on it and we hardly ever see each other) and not give a good damn about social media or anything going on online.

Take it from a New York Times bestselling author who made the list based on what I call "fake algorithmic success."

Take a guess whose algorithms I blame for that. :)

Oh, gee. Starts with A, rhymes with a river in South America. :)

Allow me to share a little history: https://honestindie.substack.com/p/forward-into-the-past

As for social media, well ... don't get me started.

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Oh my goodness! It’s a wild ride isn’t it? Will definitely check out what you’re doing!

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Thanks, Seth!

I feel like I've found a kindred spirit. On social media, at any rate. Yay! :)

I have to say that as a person with a movement disorder that has caused my left hand to become deformed and twists my left foot, too, I find it hard to be authentic without banging on about that particular discomfort. Discomfort? Now I'm laughing so hard I can barely type this ... lol

I used to blog about it all the time. Now, I feel weird just mentioning it. But I do talk about it. Now and then.

Is it any wonder I had to quit caring? :)

Not caring is the single best thing I've done for myself. Social media-wise and writing-wise. I write what I want and if people like it, fine. If they don't, that's fine, too. I don't care. It's called managing your expectations. Now, that's the fact, Jack! :)

Shit. This turned into a combination rant-blog post-letter to the Times! :) Sorry ... lol I am dying of laughter here ...!

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