
Link to the videos on your website

Stop sending your fans to YouTube

This is a hill I will die on - if you’re going to tell your newsletter subscribers or social media followers about your new video, put the video on your own website, and then link to your own website.

Leading people to YouTube just keeps people on YouTube’s platform. Their site is built and optimized to keep people on YouTube, and to make it as difficult as possible for your fans to stay in your universe, whether to pre-order your new album, or sign up for your new course offering.

Sure, keep posting your videos to YouTube. But don’t send your already established fans to places where you can’t reach them. Why build up your audience on YouTube if you can’t even reach 5% of them when you post a new video?

Your audience is your email list - something you control, something you can export, something that the algorithms can’t mess with.

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