If social media makes you sick, start dreaming of a life without it
Zuckerberg and Musk will be sad if you read this
Get off social media if it makes you feel bad.
If social media is killing your creativity, stealing hours of your day (and night), making your mind race, bringing up feelings of “compare and despair,” making you second-guess your work, stealing joy, robbing you of sleep, leaving you depleted, disrupting your relationships, your work, and your art, then maybe it’s time to develop a social media escape plan.
Is being a shell of yourself worth a few likes or sales?
“I’m deleting most of my social media accounts (some of which I’ve had for over a decade) because I noticed they were repeatedly hurting me. And I was letting them,” writes
Worry less about being “forgotten,” and envision a future when you re-find yourself.
“After two months away from (social media), I feel much less distracted and more grounded, present, and focused on what matters most.,” writes
Trust that the universe will help you get your work in front of the right people without making dance videos or keeping up with the latest trending audio.
“How much hustle do you have to put in before you decide it isn’t worth the grind? There comes a point in every phase of business when you realize that some things simply don’t work—for us, our businesses, and our mental health,” writes
in ‘Am I The Girl Who Deleted Instagram?’
You’re reading this right now, aren’t you? How could that happen if I didn’t post about it on social media?
One of my favorite albums of the last year was introduced to me from an old friend via email.
I wrote about the anniversary of the passing of an old friend in NYC. Their former neighbor found my blog post when they Googled their name. Read that again, friend - they found my blog post. From a search engine. In 2024.
“Lately I've been considering leaving (social media) and not looking back, and calling it what it is—an addiction (that's probably the hardest part as someone who struggles with addiction). It literally adds nothing to my life, other than fleeting moments of "connection" with friends who probably wouldn't contact me if it weren't for the 30 second reels,” writes
If you don’t want to go to networking events, or play shows in noisy bars, or set up at busy markets, or start a YouTube channel or a podcast, then don’t. Just because other folks are doing it, doesn’t mean you have to follow their lead.
Set your own path, make your own luck, and if social media makes you sick, start dreaming of a life without it.
I’m Seth Werkheiser, and I can help you cut your time on socials, make money, and grow an audience with your email list. Click here to find out more.
“Worry less about being “forgotten,” and envision a future when you re-find yourself.”
Damn. That is one hell of a wake up call. Thanks for sharing this.
I like this sentiment- “start dreaming of a life without it.” It’s such a good daydream. I have been really trying to convince some of my real life musician friends to channel the energy they put into socials into a newsletter. I actually kind of grieve for the time and artistic energy I lost to socials over the last 10 years, and am pretty convinced I should have focused on my newsletter a long time ago.