I introduced this article in a note and afer in this article:


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Wow! It only took almost two years for me to stumble on your Substack! I loved this and needed to hear it. I’ve been messing around with a website for years and never saw value in it because I didn’t know how to get people there. Now I’m wishing I just kept my archives. Will dig into more of your posts to learn more this is so timely! Thank you!

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Yesss, an archive of our work from over the years is a great thing to have! Glad you found Social Media Escape Club!

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Yess! I have thought about this recently as I'm starting as a digital entrepreneur, and I was thinking to find the best way to keep my work safe and updated out of social media, which is draining and also, you can lose your work at any time! My website is on Canva by paying and I'm very happy about it! What do you think about Canva?

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I don’t have any experience with Canva as a website platform, just for design!

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Oh, thanks! Well, my idea is, starting from there, because is quite nice, intuitive and I'm adding links that allow me to have a good and more professional website! And as soon as I'm growing I'll probably move my domain to Squarespace to automate some things and add the store, although Shopify is another option! 🥰

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Shopify is LOADED with features. Square space too. I’m able to do what I need with Wordpress for the time being.

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So what do you recommend to? (English is not my first language, sorry).

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Do Canva for now, until you absolutely outgrow it! Figure out where you’re going right now, today, before you plan which tools you’ll need a year from now!

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Thank you so much! (I love your writings btw; already subscribed). 🥰✨

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I love my Cargo website 🙂‍↕️

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It looks great! I need to make something with Cargo someday.

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I love the idea of putting BTS from what I post on social and YouTube. There’s so much that doesn’t make it onto social media because “they didn’t fit the feed”. Great ideas!

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yessss... build up an archive of your great work on a platform YOU control!

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This is awesome, so helpful! I had a site on squarespace but haven't been able to justify the couple hundreds it costs per year. I miss having my own site though especially for all my different creative ventures! It's hard to keep up and it would simplify my life.

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I feel you! I have been thinking lately that the best way is a website and not social media (ruled by the status quo). But the money of the domain is too much and above all when you're not making a lot... I created mine on Canva and paying (it's much cheaper) and I'm so so happy about it! I can create whatever I want to on it and it's all mine!

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When you update it and fill it with your stuff, yes! THAT is a good investment

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Of course it is! I love creating and updating my website and feeling that it's just mine and I can write and post whatever I want to! It's just that, if you're currently not earning money from your work, maintaining a website is a bit expensive for me right now!

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RIGHT! When we have sites that SIT THERE, it's hard to get excited about them. But the social media platforms? Well then, it's SO EASY to update those! And then we get a few likes! Maybe even a comment or two! So it's no wonder our sites languish!

Are you thinking of setting up a site again?

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Exactly that!! And yes I most definitely want to.

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Definitely behind this! How do we reach others though if our website is a bit of an island?

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First, put a bunch of cool stuff on there. Import old stuff from years ago (I've been pulling in photos dating back to 2004 from Flickr). Keep writing. And writing. And posting.

THEN... on occasion, link to it here from Substack Notes. Even better, link to it from your newsletter. Reach out to other weirdos doing and writing things like you're writing, and link them to something they might find interesting.

I have zero idea how well my blog traffic is, and I don't care. I always want to be building a history and archive of my work that'll out last all these other platforms.

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I don’t know if I’m getting this wrong with the article but, I’ve been wanting to get my life out of social media, but with the sadness of not knowing where I’ll put all my photos, I’m not a photographer but I really enjoy take pictures, trying to romanticize our life while we still here, I don’t care about likes, I don’t care about shares, just trying to make pictures speak more than a thousand words. So will be a website an answer? At the end more than a friend and family member will like to see your face in some place.

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Every smart phone ships with a web browser, and every computer connected to the internet, too! So a website might be the answer!

Here's a few micro-blog services:




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Viewing a personal website is far more satisfying than a social page. If you’re a creative and you use social media it should be small samples with constant redirection to your website. imo

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Yes, I’ve been thinking about this too! I have a website but I’m not making use of it. As I started thinking about using Substack these very thoughts were crawling around in my brain. Thanks for shining a light!

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Ooooh, I love this! Glad it resonated with you!

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This was a timely read, as I’ve debated switching between Medium and Substack based on how irritated each makes me on a given day - ha!

I’m a designer by trade and familiar with html and css, but Wordpress unfortunately never *clicked* with my brain. I’d probably have gotten more solo work if it did!

I started writing by drafting a Squarespace site, but didn’t know how to get strangers to my content other than IG, which is when a friend recommended Substack.

At this point, I just need to get my sh*t together and bring my relatively small audiences and personal connections to a single place…A bit tough with a mentally fatiguing chronic illness but I’m working on it :-)

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You've already got it all figured out (and I made a video for you saying as much haha): https://share.cleanshot.com/fPc76CcQ

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A special video just for me? Too cool. Thank you Seth, I’m off to start planning my personal hub!

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It’s what I do haha! Go go go!

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Okay so answer me this, because I've put up and taken down the same website for years. I've had my domain, written by writtenbykristi.com forever. It's on Squarespace now but I've stopped paying for it the last year or so because I'm just not sure what purpose it serves besides linking out to all my writing homebases. I guess I just can't justify paying monthly for a website that isn't doing anything except redirecting people. What advice would you give?

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Everything can burn down tomorrow, then what? Replied via video! https://share.cleanshot.com/1FDtd7K0

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This couldn't be more timely! And the clean shot video reply---LOVE

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cleanshot hahah... and thank you!!!

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I'm beginning to wonder if I should just do this on a Google Site. Not that I want to give Google more power, but then I can streamline it with my Google photos 🤔

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Yeahhhh I'm doing my best to sneak away from Google with their Google Workspace thing, and YouTube, and Google Drive, and... uggg... they do so much.

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Google keeps my life organized. Unlike social media, which sucks the life away from me, Google, unfortunately, makes my daily life possible.

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And dare I say, they make it nearly impossible to switch to something else, right?

I know lots of folks who are MARRIED to Google Cal and such.

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Guilty! I put everything on there and it helps me keep my family accountable to every single event 🤷🏼‍♀️

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You are FAR from alone!

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But still has to be better than my dependence on social media, right???

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🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼 love that more folks are spewing to this

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Shouting it from the rooftops!

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woooooooah OKAY, I am so glad you came across my feed! Insta-subscribe. This is something I've been thinking about a *lot* recently. Going to be digging into your work a bit here -- THANK YOU!

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woah hey now! You're super welcome!

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I just watched your video regarding “Pika vs Substack,” and I’m a little confused, I think. Are you saying to use a website for projects and Substack to get them to the site? I’m also hearing that using Substack is sufficient.

I’m still new here and have no idea where to start, so my apologies for the noob question.

Thanks for the article!!

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If you’re JUST starting out, set up a substack to figure stuff out. But as you get clarity on where things are going, set up a website. Send a newsletter via Substack, and point stuff to your website on occasion, like music videos, new merch, etc. Does that make sense?

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