I keep seeing the Tweets, and the IG stories… “something is coming!”
Maybe it’s a new song.
A new video.
New merch drop.
You got lucky if 5 or 10 or 25% of your audience saw your teaser.
“When you’re ready to release your hot new song, you have to start the attention-roulette game all over again,” from ‘SELL MORE WITH LANDING PAGES,’ which I wrote in November, 2021.
As I laid out in the link above, give your most curious and dedicated fans something to click, like Ithaca did here:
Teaser video clip, click the link, and then you can sign up for their email list.
The people on that email list literally signed up and said, “I want more.”
So when the time comes to release that video, they know they’ll be able to reach 100% of those people because that’s how email works.
The Tweet they send might be seen by 20% of their followers. Yuck.
Read more here.
📨 If you missed last week’s interview I did with Joan Pope, you should really check it out.
“The weekly compilation of all my creative works helps me reflect on my own work each week and it keeps my audience in the loop,” said Pope, “It seems like people like it. A lot of people will tell me that they can’t keep up and the newsletter helps them do that.”
I spoke with Jeff Gretz of Zao, too, about how the band uses their email list:
“Email list is good for the real diehards, especially when it comes to new releases and big announcements like shows.”
And the first interview I ever did for HEAVY METAL EMAIL was with Professor Pizza from Axe Slasher.
The mental math equation went from "What do I think our fans would like?" to "What do I think will break through the algo that our fans will tolerate?" The short answer is you have to start looking at and leveraging trends, which by-in-large, are fucking lame. We're a thrash band comprised of ghosts of vengeance. We shouldn't be doing funny hand dances, or the running man.
🔥 SPOTIFY VS. BANDCAMP: I see a ton of artists complain about Spotify rates, but I don’t see a lot of artists linking to their Bandcamp page.
When you make a sale on Bandcamp, you get actual money to put into your bank account. You also get something worth even more.
An email address.
When you release new music, Bandcamp will let them know. Plus, you can export the emails of people who signed up to be added to your email list, and send them personalized emails filled with even more information.
Finally, I leave you with this:
Let’s start an email this week - me and you! Reply to this email, and let’s get started.