This bit from Julia Evans is about email lists, and the myth of “you have to trick people into signing up for your email marketing list.”
If you clearly communicate who your mailing list will help, then people can easily filter themselves in, and the only people on the list will be happy to be on the list. And then you don’t have to send any unwanted email at all! Hooray!
I want to break down that first line a bit, and how it applies to all of us here at SOCIAL MEDIA ESCAPE CLUB:
If you clearly communicate who your mailing list will help…
Maybe not help, in our case, but delight. Excite. Who will love seeing our email pop up in their inbox?
Fans, right? People who enjoy what we write, what we do, the songs we play, the products we ship, the podcasts we produce.
So if you “clearly communicate” that, you’ll have “people on the list will be happy to be on the list.”
This means you can finally stop worrying about being spammy.
People signed up, right? So don’t be afraid to show up in their inbox more than once a month. Most of your fans won’t see your posts on social media because of algorithms, but most of your fans will open your next email.
Read the rest of Julia’s post, ‘A few things I've learned about email marketing,’ for sending out emails with less MARKETING vibes (via Kottke).
DON'T MAKE SOCIAL MEDIA YOUR TROPHY CASE - social media gets all our most interesting photos, the imagery that shows off our unique, creative spirit, the videos that capture our spontaneous, magical energy. Then we don’t put any of that on our website, then complain that nobody goes to our website.
RE-USE SOCIAL PHOTOS IN YOUR NEXT NEWSLETTER - send an email once a week using the things you posted on social media throughout the week.
PUT OUT YOUR BEST WORK EARLY AND OFTEN - You never know who might be reading your newsletter, so don’t hold back. If five people sign up, then you’re writing an email for five people this week. Sit down and get to work.
ARE YOU MULLET MARKETING? - Please, break my inbox and my heart with your sad tales. Show up in my inbox like you do my social media feeds.
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